Prince Nymph, Bead Head

Per Dozen $ 7.00


Don’t underestimate the classic Prince Nymph, Bead Head. This fishing fly might be old-school, but there’s a reason it’s a staple for anglers around the world,  it consistently catches fish! This time-tested pattern is one of the most effective stonefly nymph imitations ever designed. Its buggy profile comes alive with the flash of peacock herl, while the goose biot tails and wing case offer tantalizing, lifelike movement that triggers aggressive feeding responses. The bead head is the crucial touch: it adds an irresistible bit of flash while giving the fly the weight it needs to sink quickly. This lets you present it effectively in various scenarios, from drifting in fast water to probing the depths of slow pools. Whether you’re a seasoned angler or new to fly fishing, the Prince Nymph, Bead Head is an indispensable nymph fly for targeting trout and other species that love a tasty stonefly snack.

Additional information

Hook size

10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20

Hook type

Barbed Hooks, Barbless Hooks